Logga Saran Yoga
One Day Retreat

One Day Retreat

Treat yourself to a full day of recovery

Let yourself be embraced by Bruksgården's energy, participate

in yoga, relaxation to the gong, meditation and be served

nutritious, healthy food and fika.

Welcome to a day just for you and your friends.

During wintertime we have limited number of participants.

Saturday April 5th

Saturday May 10th

A retreat day at Bruksgården:

7:00 am morning yoga
shared breakfast
a lesson with yoga & theory
shared lunch
outdoor play - own time
gong relaxation/mantra chanting
shared dinner
end at about 7 pm

You can come to yoga at 7 in the morning or

join after breakfast at 9:30 am.

If you have a long journey, you are welcome

to arrive at Bruksgården the evening before.

Your investment

full day, per person: SEK 1,390 /SEK 1,090 (from 7:00 a.m.)
part of the day, per person: SEK 1,190 /SEK 990 (join at 9:30)
overnight stay the night before, per person: SEK 250/ SEK 200

reduced prices apply to you who are between 16 - 25 years old

or a retired person.

Latest day of registration: April 1st respectively May 10th.

Advance payment

We look forward to creating your retreat for and with you!

You can also book other dates for your group.