Logga Saran Yoga
Yoga classes

Autumn 2024

NEW! Some classes will be deep fascia maneuvers from Human Garage

with gong relaxation.

From 17 October we are back in Kaxås school's gymnasium.

Time 18:30-19:45.

The 17th of October you can come 2 for 1.

You can also join from home via Zoom

if you sign up on the email.

You are welcome at any time

during the semester.

Feel free to use the facebook event for carpooling
and share it with your friends, thanks!

We look forward to yoga with you!

Welcome to yoga!

Yoga means union and gives you the chance to let your mind join your body for a moment.

Yoga makes it possible to balance activity with rest in everyday life so that the mind is clear, the heart can participate and the body is full of vitality.

Common effects of starting yoga are better sleep, coping with stress more easily, better immune system and less pain.

Regardless of when you join during the semester, you will be able to keep up and if you need adaptations for your age, constitution or any limitation, we will arrange it.

Sitting on a chair, for example, works perfectly for those who find it difficult to sit on a yoga mat!

On certain Thursdays, Anne will lead you in beneficial Fascia maneuveres that take your body out of stress. Gong relaxation at the end.

Let Thursday night be a prelude to ending the week, leave the week behind you and start the weekend relaxed and refreshed.

Your investment

  • Term card: SEK 2,100 / SEK 1,400
  • 10-clip card: SEK 1,600/SEK 1,100
  • 5-clip card: SEK 900 / SEK 600
  • Drop-in: SEK 200 / SEK 140

Discounted prices apply to retired person and young people aged 20 - 25

ATTENTION! Teenagers 13-19 years: only SEK 20/time

Yoga is classified as wellness (friskvård) by the tax authority.

Swish: 123 354 8807

Bank giro: 386-0764

Everything is on site: yoga mat, blanket and meditation cushion. Wear soft clothes and bring a water bottle.

After the session, you are offered a cup of tea.

BREAK: Nov 14th

A very warm welcome!