Logga Saran Yoga
Workshops EN

Women's wisdom from a yogic perspective

Previous workshops

Women's wisdom from a yogic perspective

Date: no dates planned

Time: 14-17

Location: Bruksgården, Rönnöfors 213, Rönnöfors Offerdal

Investment: SEK 400 incl. fika

Only 6 places, minimum 4 participants

Get in touch with an expression of interest


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As women, we live with hormonal fluctuations, through puberty, pregnancy, breastfeeding, PMS, menstruation and menopause.

Yoga has a lot to convey about our hormonal balance, our relationship to the different phases of the moon mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically, and elevates the point of meno-pause to sky-high heights.

At the workshop we share treasures from yoga with exercises, yoga sessions, meditations and of course we have fika.

Come explore a yogic perspective and balancing tools with curiosity.

Enrich yourself with tips for a more beautiful female identity and not least menopause.

Welcome all sisters of all ages!

Voices from previous workshops on Women's Wisdom

"It was an absolutely fantastic afternoon with your workshop that both enriched and deepened knowledge and experience. I will warmly recommend it to other women. Thank you very much." Lisbeth

"The workshop has made me look at menopause with positive eyes. Thankful for solid advice and exercises that can make a big difference to the quality of life. Highly recommended!" Eva

"I can warmly recommend this workshop! It has given me new insights and perspectives on the menopause and how the woman is affected physically and mentally. Anne and Elenor lead the workshop with warmth, knowledge and joy. I appreciated the coffee and the beneficial shot!" Karin

"In a pleasant atmosphere, we share experiences and knowledge with women." Eva

Death, death, death

Date: no date set

Time: 14-17

Location: Bruksgården, Rönnöfors 213, Rönnöfors Offerdal

Investment: SEK 400 incl. fika

Only 6 places, minimum 4 participants

Get in touch with an expression of interest


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Dare to examine a large part of our life: Death!

In this workshop we explore the kundalini yoga view of death, transformation and the cycle of life.

A workshop to enrich those who think about life and death or have been faced with the question with someone close to them.

Beautiful kundalini yoga, strengthening medita-tions, theory, fika and gong.

No previous knowledge required.

Everyone is welcome!

Voices from previous workshops on Death

"I felt really cared for and safe." Lena

"Thank you for a good workshop on death. Enjoyed your workshop, I felt welcome and there was a nice community with everyone who was there. Appropriately distributed between theory and practice. Would be happy to recommend the workshop to others. Looking forward to attending more of your workshops in the future.” Linda

“Impressed by the breadth and depth of the physical death and also the philosophical part.” Kevin

"Important topic that many do not dare to raise, so thank you for that. I thank you and like the nice booklet you distributed and your power point, great stuff! The homemade and generous fika provided a golden edge! Good advice was raised on how to be next of kin at death. Learned a lot, got reminders for more. Yes, I recommend the course!” Sarah

"You are very well prepared and well read. The theory was presented in a pedagogical way and in dialogue. Nice fika.” Annette

Celestial Communication

Celebration of life with meditation in motion to live music.

The basics of celestial communication in kundalini yoga, meditate with joy and sincerity to music and create your own celestial communications.

Join this 3-hour workshop just as you are.


Do you want to get tools to better manage stress, repair damage after stress and find recovery in your everyday life?

We dive into the treasure chest of kundalini yoga and do different yoga sessions and meditations for recovery and talk about stress and how it affects our body and mind.

Voices from the last workshop on Recovery

"Three wonderful hours of recovery that went far too quickly." Karin

"An excellent introduction to kundalini yoga, with its focus on balance, which is fantastic for everyone, and especially for those of us with stress and fatigue issues." Annika